Bee visiting a Cosmos flower :)
Love Nature! © 2018 Carmen Silva

Hard working bee :)
I miss the good old hot summer days when Nature buzzes with life! © 2018 Carmen Silva

Hungry Fly going for pollen and nectar
Winter is upon us and I miss summer so, I took a peak at some footage from the garden. Just look at the speed of the feeding process!! ...

Marmalade hoverfy (Episyrphus balteatus) - Lunch time!!!
A hungry little marmalade hoverfly takes a meal out of the pollen and the nectar provided by a poppy. It is amazing having a garden and...

"It's hard working with this wind in my wings!" said the bumblebee.
This beautiful bumblebee visited the poppies in my garden. His only misfortune was the windy weather as flowers are plenty to choose from...