January, 2021
Pendragon: Sisters of Thane _Sidonia - a new role
As we still muddle through the swamp of the Covid-19 Pandemic, we have at least the happiness of auditioning from home. Self-tapes have become the new norm and with hope for a future, everyone is starting to plan.
A new role, a new movie, maybe a TV series. We can only do our best and move forward!
In this light, after auditioning a couple of times I am now part of the "Pendragon: Sisters of Thane" series. I am to play Sidonia, The Lady of Death in this fantasy history-based project. The name says a lot about my character, but more about it later on - this year, hopefully!!!
2020 - the year off... but not quite. Screenwriting, anyone??
The 2020 pandemic brought a sharp halt to acting worldwide. With the exception of a few home recordings and an audition here and there, the year was quite dry acting wise. But no worries, as the break brought me to a new level of inspiration and tapping into my writing skills, I managed to create two beautiful screenplays.
1. Rusalka - an adaptation after A. S. Pushkin's unfinished verse drama "Rusalka" from 1832 (public domain). The 102 pages script is a dark fantasy based on Eastern European Folklore, taken far beyond the unfinished story. Can only hope Mr. Pushkin would approve!
2. Project Nightfall - an edgy Sci-Fi where aliens might just have the upper hand over humans.
2019 - ongoing
"The Scowling Dusk" - trilogy
On February 1st 2019 had the pleasure to audition for a fantastic project named "The Scowling Dusk". Soon after, I received the wonderful news that I am going to be part of the cast.
Let me say it is one of the strangest art projects I ever took (and still take) part in. This trilogy is not only film but art at another level.
Playing multiple characters in a noir abstract film had helped me reach another level of understanding the craft of acting.

October, 2018
"The Marriage" - cinema movie premiere
October 27th, 2018 - Odeon Greenwich Cinema.
Brilliant time and lots of fun with cast, crew, family and friends at the Premiere of the Nollywood movie "The Marriage".
Congratulations to everyone, especially to our beloved Director Jide Bysayo for the wonderful work and all the love and passion poured into this project.
IMDb: https://pro.imdb.com/title/tt7238758/?ref_=nm_filmo_pastfilmvid_1

October, 2018
Filming Blood Spirit! A blood curling horror.
Playing a fantastic Goth character by the name of Rowena in a blood curling horror movie. Long story short: four friends find an embalmed body in the house of a dead relative. One of them refuses to accept there is anything supernatural going on but once his friends start dying, he needs to believe if he wants to save the girl he loves from the ghost / blood spirit he has set free.

August, 2018
Acting awards for The Marriage - Sorina (female lead)
"The Marriage" has been doing a Festival Tour and this August, 2018 came along with one more acting award on my part. My latest role was awarded at Accolade Global Film Competition (La Jolla, CA) with "Award Of Recognition: Actress_Leading" certificate.
Along myself, my fellow actor Neil Main with an "Award Of Recognition: Actor_Supporting" in the Accolade Competition. Few more Festivals are aligned down the road but we are all very happy with the achievements of our collaboration.

September, 2017
Acting awards for Dark Is the Night - Verity Blake (female lead)
This September came along with two more acting awards for my role as Verity Blake in the noir drama "Dark Is the Night" (2016; featurette; Dir. Ellie Hatfield).
My participating into Accolade Global Film Competition (La Jolla, CA) and Festigious International Film Festival (Los Angeles, CA) lent me an "Award Of Merit: Actress_Leading" in the Accolade Competition and an "Honourable Mention: Actress" in Festigious.
Along myself, my fellow actor Neil Main with an "Award Of Recognition: Actor_Supporting" in the Accolade Competition. Few more Festivals are aligned down the road but we are all very happy with the achievements of our collaboration.

July, 2017
Firearm Training for Film & TV
It has been a pleasure to take on a course of Firearm handling and to get an insight of what it takes to properly handle a firearm. The training took place in Wales and was taught by Benjamin Leonides-Morgan and Stuart McNeill from FT4FT Tactical Firearm Team. It comprised of safety issues in handling the weapons and the way to correctly hold them. For an actor it is important to look professional and good in the same time - still working on that!!
I must admit I had a lot of fun trying the pistol, the Colt and the Beretta in the first day and the Tactical Rifle Training with an AR15 in the second day of the course. The highlight of the day was the "transition from rifle to handgun" lesson. Loved the noise and the smoke and will gladly do it again! Safely, of course!
June, 2017
New female lead role in feature film!!
Becoming a lead/co-lead/female lead, or however they're called, it is a big deal especially when advancing one's career by moving from short films to featurettes and feature films. After my two female lead roles, one as Verity Blake in the featurette noir "Dark Is the Night" (2016), and the other as Adina Ferguson in the feature film "When Nothing Else Matters" (2017; filming) I am very happy to announce my new female lead role in "The Marriage" where I will be playing Sorina under the directions of Jide Bisayo.
Filming starts this July, 2017 in London, UK and I am glad to see a cast that is diverse and multicultural, where male to female ratio is 4:3 (not counting the very small parts) and the subject taps into certain delicate issues that need to be talked about.
All I can say is I am extraordinarily happy and have already been properly digging into the script and looking for the day we start this new journey!
May, 2017
New Nomination! New Award!
Earlier this month I have been nominated for an award in the L.A. Neo Noir Novel, Film & Script Festival (Los Angeles, California, USA). I have been keeping my fingers crossed full of hope, while jumping up and down with joy. For someone so early in my career (not even 3 years), being nominated and even winning 2 awards alredy, for a part I played just after a little over 1 year into my acting career, it is something!! It helps validate who I am as an actor, strengthens the feeling I am on the right path. Some might comment on the relativity of this but for me, it feels great!
The award I was given is "Best Neo Noir Scene", an "audience favourite" award for the excerpt from the film that was submitted. Please find below the awarded scene. I am playing the female lead, Verity Blake.

May, 2017
"How Absurd" series continues... more comedy roles!
The "How Absurd: Life in Absurdity" and "How Absurd: Short Change" online comedy series continue with an online short film called "How Absurd: Not the 10 O'clock News" and has pretty much to do with this June 2017's elections. Now, I have to admit that being only about 3 years in the UK and focusing on my acting career did not really help with my intake on the political issues thus before preparing my comedic moments had to through some inquires out there. Did that, had fun, erased the politics from my mind after that, so do not ask me where I stand, I am quite sure I won't be saying "on the fence". Next to all this politics there are some moments far from it, really amusing so all I can say is do watch it if you have the time (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3TMnp81WuY4).

April, 2017
Eastern North Carolina Film Festival! A new Award!
The beginning of March came along with 3 nominations for the noir drama "Dark Is the Night" (2016, Dir. Ellie Hatfield, 39 min) at the Eastern NC Film Festival (North Carolina, USA). The nominations were "Best Picture" / "Best Drama" / "Best Supporting Actress". The film took home the "Best Supporting Actress" award. And all I can say is that it feels amazing. It is the second one as yet and I suppose it will help me focus more and trust myself and my choices. Seeing my work being appreciated means the world to me and gives me the drive to go forward.

March, 2017
New comedy roles!
Alongside Jack Walters, a director and actor I had the pleasure to work with a couple of times before, I will be filming on a couple of short comedy sketches which will be part of 2 online series called "How Absurd: Life in Absurdity" and "How Absurd: Short Change". Comedy is a tricky little thing and timing is one big thing so every time I get the opportunity to play such roles, I go for them and try flex that muscle. One of the things I like when working with Jack is that I have to play different characters in a very short period of time and this can only be a good thing for learning to be adaptable really fast. Happy to be working again with Jack and his team!

January, 2017
Barcelona Planet Film Festival - My first ACTING Award!
I am more than happy to say that I have received my first acting award! The "Best Actress" Award for playing the female lead role, Verity Blake!
This December (2016) came with an early Christmas present for the cast and crew of the noir drama "Dark Is the Night" (2016, Dir. Ellie Hatfield, 39 min.) as the film was selected to be part of Barcelona Planet Film Festival the December 2016 edition (Barcelona, Spain).
At the beginning of January the nominations were announced and our film had 4: "Best Narrative Feature Film", "Best Trailer", "Best Actress" and "Best Actor".